πŸ“Œ Day 2: JavaScript Functions β€” Regular vs. Arrow Functions πŸš€

Lokesh Prajapati
5 min read11 hours ago


JavaScript Functionsβ€Šβ€”β€ŠRegular vs. Arrow Functions πŸš€

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to the 30-Days JavaScript Learning Journey!

JavaScript functions are the backbone of programming, allowing us to write reusable and maintainable code. There are two primary ways to define functions in JavaScript:

πŸ‘‰ Regular (Function Declarations & Expressions)
πŸ‘‰ Arrow Functions (ES6 Feature)

Today, we’ll deep dive into these two types, compare their behavior, and understand when to use each. Let’s get started! πŸ”₯

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

1️⃣ πŸ“Œ What is a Function in JavaScript?

A function is a block of reusable code that performs a specific task. Instead of writing the same code multiple times, we can define a function once and call it whenever needed.

A function in JavaScript can be created using:

  1. Function Declarations
  2. Function Expressions
  3. Arrow Functions (ES6)

Now, let’s explore them in detail.

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

2️⃣ πŸ“Œ Regular Functions (Function Declarations & Expressions)

βœ… 2.1) Function Declaration (Named Function)

A function declaration is defined using the function keyword and can be called before its definition (due to hoisting).

function helloGreeting(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;

console.log(helloGreeting("User")); // βœ… "Hello, User!"

βœ… Function declarations are hoisted, meaning they can be used before they are defined in the code.

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

βœ… 2.2 Function Expression (Anonymous Function)

A function expression is stored in a variable and is NOT hoisted, meaning it cannot be called before its definition.

const helloGreeting = function(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;

console.log(helloGreeting("Bob")); // βœ… "Hello, Bob!"

❌ Hoisting Limitation Example:

console.log(sayHello()); // ❌ ReferenceError: Cannot access 'sayHello' before initialization

const sayHello = function() {
return "Hello!";

πŸ‘‰ Fix: Use function declarations if you need hoisting.

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

3️⃣ Arrow Functions (ES6 Feature)

Arrow functions were introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) to provide a shorter and cleaner syntax for writing functions.

const greet = (name) => `Hello, ${name}!`;

console.log(greet("Charlie")); // βœ… "Hello, Charlie!"

πŸ”₯ Arrow Function Syntax Variations

βœ… 3.1 Single Parameter (No Parentheses Needed)

const square = num => num * num;
console.log(square(4)); // βœ… 16

βœ… 3.2 Multiple Parameters (Parentheses Required)

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
console.log(add(5, 10)); // βœ… 15

βœ… 3.3 Multi-line Body (Use {} and return)

const multiply = (a, b) => {
return a * b;
console.log(multiply(3, 4)); // βœ… 12

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

4️⃣ The this Keyword in Regular vs. Arrow Functions

One of the biggest differences between regular and arrow functions is how this is handled.

βœ… 4.1 Regular Functions β€” this is Dynamic : Regular functions have their own this, which depends on how the function is called.

βœ… Regular functions work correctly with this in objects.

const person = {
name: "Alice",
greet() {
console.log(`Hello, I am ${this.name}`);

person.greet(); // βœ… "Hello, I am Alice"

❌ 4.2 Arrow Functions β€” No Own this: Arrow functions do not have their own this and instead inherit it from their surrounding scope.

πŸ‘‰ Fix: Use a regular function inside objects to correctly reference this.

const person = {
name: "Alice",
greet: () => {
console.log(`Hello, I am ${this.name}`);

person.greet(); // ❌ "Hello, I am undefined"

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

5️⃣ Arrow Functions in Event Listeners

Arrow functions do not bind this, which can lead to unexpected results in event listeners.

document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", () => {
console.log(this); // ❌ `this` is undefined

βœ… Use Regular Function for Correct this Behavior

document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function () {
console.log(this); // βœ… `this` refers to the clicked button

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

6️⃣ When to Use Regular vs. Arrow Functions?

βœ… Use Regular Functions When:

  • You need hoisting.
  • You need this to refer to the object (e.g., inside methods).
  • You need access to the arguments object.

βœ… Use Arrow Functions When:

  • You want a shorter syntax for simple functions.
  • You do not need this inside the function.
  • You are using callback functions like .map(), .filter(), .reduce().

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

7️⃣ Key Differences Between Regular and Arrow Functions:

Key Differences Between Regular and Arrow Functions:

β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”

8️⃣ Final Thoughts

Understanding the differences between regular functions and arrow functions will make you a better JavaScript developer. πŸš€

πŸ’‘ Key Takeaways:

  • Arrow functions are shorter, but they do not have their own this.
  • Regular functions work better in objects and event listeners.
  • Function declarations are hoisted, but function expressions and arrow functions are not.

πŸ’¬ Which one do you use the most? Let me know in the comments! ⬇️

πŸ”— Follow me for daily JavaScript posts from Basic to Advanced! πŸ’»πŸ”₯



Lokesh Prajapati
Lokesh Prajapati

Written by Lokesh Prajapati

Front-end-developer | Web Designer | Shopify Experts - https://lokesh-prajapati.vercel.app/

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